What a beautiful morning!

Monday, April 16, 2012

You Know You Are a HP Fanatic When...

You are in the middle of ranting about something and refered to a HP spell.

For example -

"What the heck? Why would you all think that the shoes will fit in the other room closet when it never fit in the other closet in the first place?!?!? Of course, unless one of you did an ENGORGIO spell and didn't tell me about it!"


Wendy, R.N. said...

Alls I know is that I often incant the "accio" spell when I 1) can't find my keys/phone, or 2) when I want to find my car. I must be doing it wrong, because it has yet to work for me.

W. :)

Abbie Taylor said...

@Wendy's comment -- "Like" :)