What a beautiful morning!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Back Off!

Dear Tailgater,

What is your problem?  If I am going 70 mph on a 55 mph road, why do you think I will speed up more if you start getting close to my bumper? Why would you assume as well that I will move out of your way? Just to prove how stupid and wrong you are for tailgating me, here's a few taps on my break which will also bring me down to the actual speed limit. Lucky you though that you only need to suffer my annoying break lights for just a minute or two since my turn is coming right up.

In the future, if you want to drive at a break neck speed, go change lanes and just overtake me. I would not mind that at all.

Have a great day!

The Car in Front of You

1 comment:

Wendy, R.N. said...

Love it! I hate tailgaters and I also give them the old brake-tap. Heck my car is ten years old. I could use a new one.

W. :)