What a beautiful morning!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another School Update

I received another email from Emma's teacher.
This is what she has to say today...

5:01 PM (12 minutes ago)
Hi Abigail,
Emma came in this morning and told me about losing her tooth. When switching out book baskets, I found a book called "Norman Fools the Tooth Fairy". I put it aside for Emma to look at during the day. Emma wanted to read it aloud to the class. Here are some pics-I thought you would enjoy seeing how confident she is! :) And while she didn't get a chance to finish it today (it's a long book), she did a great job-it's a HARD book. I sure am going to miss her next year!

Take care,



Here is one of the picture her teacher mentioned in her email. I posted all of them in my Flickr site. I am really just all warm and fuzzy inside right now...


M said...

wow naman si Emma!!!! Good JOB!!!!!

MAYTE said...

Hey Emma I don't know who you are but I think I am the same age as you cuz I am 10 how old r u if you want to be my friend on blogger just post a comment .............