What a beautiful morning!

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Down Memory Lane (a series...maybe): BOOKSTORES

Every morning, one of the first things I look at before getting out of bed is FB Memories. This morning was no different. However, a scene from the past (that was not on FBM) flashed through my mind. It was from before cellphones or e-tablets. Before technology ruled our lives.

Long before all the gadgets, we had brick and mortar bookstores. There we were, 2 young women sitting on the floor of a bookstore, passing time while we wait for our ride home. A stack of books we weren't going to buy next to us, just quietly reading. There might have been a few tears shed as we came across a poignant was the self-help aisle after all.

The bookstore itself was quite nice, if I remember correctly. Two levels, with glass walls on the main floor.  It was nestled in the midst of the bustling office buildings in NW WDC. There was no Starbucks yet, not that we could afford it at that time. 

Now mind you, the scene I described above wasn't isolated to one afternoon. We spent many afternoons and even sometimes, weekends that way.  When you are young with limited funds (what am I saying? I still have limited funds!!), and we just wanted to get hang-out, we always ended up at a bookstore.

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