What a beautiful morning!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lent Vent #1

My friend Ty Martell posted something on his blog that hit a nerve with me.
His latest church experience is actually on my list of why I stopped going to Mass.
Click on this LINK to read his post.

Every service now is really less on reflection of the Gospel, but more on how parishioners can help the church financially.
In fact, at our church, parishioners must make a 3-year pledge in giving money.
This call for pledges happens EVERY Sunday.

Actually, it started with "Time and Talent" request.
Then Vacation Bible School was no longer free.
Soon after that was the 3-year pledge.
Last summer, a letter came with the Sunday School Formation registration form with a $50 fee...per child.

I have been volunteering at this church for about 4 years now.
Though I understand why they need to start charging for Sunday school and Vacation Bible School, but if I'm giving them my Sunday mornings to help out, shouldn't we, as volunteers, either continue not paying to send our kids to Sunday school, or at least give us a discount?

At first, I thought it was only my parish that started the registration fee requirement.
I've asked around and found out that all parishes are now charging for community services that used to be free. The only difference though is that some parishes charges per family, and did give their volunteers a break.

Now, I really don't know if EVERYONE that attends Sunday School Formation did pay the registration fee, especially the families with multiple children.
If they had to, that is indeed a lot of money to shell out. What I know for sure is that another volunteer did pay $100 for her 2 kids to attend formation.

So why am I still volunteering?
It's because I already committed this year, and I just tell myself that I am setting a good example to my child. I just can't promise though that I'll be back again next fall.
I might just have to find a different way to get my community services fulfillment another way.

1 comment:

denofmusic (,@)====::: said...

I thought it was just me. :(