What a beautiful morning!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


It never ceases to amaze me how much history Jay's family has, and how much of that history has been preserved.

Today for instance, we visited Jay's grandfather's cousin who lives in Richmond, KY.

Jay's grandfather was born in that house, and the woman - Gladys who is now 92 years old, has lived there much of her life.

The house is just simply referred to as the "Homestead." The man (Simpson) who had that house built at one point owned about 1400 acres of land, which he divided amongst his 14 children. I believe most of that 1400 acres are gone, the only thing that was left was the house and the land that surrounds it.

The "Homestead" was built around the 1800s, though it has had a lot of changes inside to accomm0date the changing times, a lot of the original lay out are still there. The staircase that leads to the upper floor was a beauty. Apparently, Jay's great-great (okay I don't know for sure how much great there is...but you get the idea) had that staircase hand carved which delayed the actual building of the house. There were also books that dates back to the 1800s, an area rug that was bought in Sears in 1912, and a couple of bed that's probably about 200 years old.

What impresses me most of all is how the house and most of what's inside has stayed in the family all this years. Hopefully, whoever inherits it will have the same respect to that family's history and will preserve it for the future generation.

For more photos - see my Flickr account.

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